Ali Zafar, the renowned Pakistani singer, and actor has announced the release of his upcoming devotional rendition of the popular Kalam, Faaslon Ko Takalluf, in celebration of Ramadan. Zafar has made it a tradition to release a new track every year during the holy month, with Balaghal-ula Bi-Kamaalihi in 2021 and Maula in 2022. While not many details about the release have been revealed yet, Zafar’s tweet and accompanying photo have generated anticipation among his fans.
Faaslon Ko Takalluf has become a staple Naat in Pakistan, and it has been recited by many artists, including Shuja Haider, who released his version of the Kalam in 2021. Zafar’s version is eagerly awaited, as he is known for his soulful and powerful voice.
Last year, Zafar released his album Husn, which featured Maula as its first single. The music video, directed by Waleed Akram, showcased the singer in the beautiful Sheesh Mahal of the Lahore Fort, surrounded by whirling dervishes. Zafar’s Instagram post about the song and the album’s concept expressed his belief in the beauty of discovering the unknown and the transcendent experiences that lie beyond our five senses.
Zafar’s upcoming release is expected to be another powerful tribute to his faith and culture, and his fans can’t wait to hear his rendition of Faaslon Ko Takalluf.
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