Corruption, lawlessness, and poor governance plague Pakistan, from biker lanes to hospitals. Can accountability and education fix this broken system?
Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has ordered rulers to stop drug counterfeiting and did an operation against involved persons.
The question here is what order. He should simply give a target to relevant individuals that within six months they have to stop drug counterfeiting, and if these relevant individuals are not able to stop this corruption and drug counterfeiting, then they will be faced with legal complications; they will become a warning sign for the whole country.
Until people in top positions are disloyal and corrupt, the relevant individuals in smaller positions will also be corrupt. If the water at the top of the glacier is dirty, the below stream will become dirty.
The same violation occurred on the biker’s lane when many buses and rickshaws drove on the biker’s lane, which caused many accidents. I encouraged this idea of a separate lane for bikes; I still appreciate it.
This is a very good initiative. I suggest the Punjab government should be careful and remain steadfast because they are responsible for this bad condition of Punjab; they have to try a hundred times for the betterment of Punjab, Pakistan.
The ancestors of these leaders of the Punjab government did not educate this nation on what an idea can do when this nation is not educated enough to respect the law. People who bring their cars, rickshaws, and buses on biker lanes in this matter do not fault this great initiative by the Punjab government.
The idea itself is very good. I always used to think if they can manage traffic, it will start changing the behaviours of the people of this nation. If one can stop on a red signal with a smiling face, believe me, the people around this individual will observe a change in the behaviour of that individual.
Now there is another thing: after the rains of the last two weeks, the paint of the biker’s lane faded off. Definitely, there would be corrupt people who did corruption on paint. There is no fault of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz in this; she gave a good idea, but now she cannot paint by herself.
She gave the great idea, and thieves implemented it, and the results are in front of us. Additionally, those animals in human costumes who are driving their rickshaws, cars, and buses on biker’s roads—why is this?
Why is the Punjab government faced with embarrassment on every good idea? because they and their ancestors, who were ruling this country, did not educate this nation. This is a seventy-seven-year-old nation. They are habitual of violence, corruption, and disloyalty to their nation.
No one educated them about this, and we are seeing the consequences of this with our own eyes. At least educate the new generation. Do mercy on them; at least you do not have time to educate the previous generations, but at least think about the coming generations.
The Punjab government should remain steadfast and make an example of that corrupt thief who did corruption on the biker lane project. Do not try to save that thief; only one or two rains and the paint disappears. It’s not even a rainy season yet.
I had no clue that this could happen in such a small project. I thought there was no huge amount of money in this project; at least they would do this project in a well-organised way, but they disappointed us again. But the Punjab government should remain steadfast.
I believe the Punjab government should not overstretch. Move forward but slowly so that they can do their projects with perfection. 1122 will be alive, Chaudhary Pervaiz Elahi, even after 100 years. Why? Because it was a great initiative and is still in operational condition.
Why has this government opened so many fronts? Hitler and Napoleon made the same mistake; they opened too many fronts and were defeated. This government should stop opening so many fronts and instead focus on fewer but sustainable projects.
Another example of this uneducated nation is the recent incident that happened in the biggest hospital in Lahore, Mayo Hospital, when in the orthopaedic ward, 13 people used the lift, which had a maximum capacity of 6 people at a time, and as a result, 11 nurses got injured and 2 got their legs fractured.
Did not these nurses get educated? They were, but this nation has grown up with this mentality that they have to violate the rules. They should know that this is a lift, not Pakistan, which is so audacious that you can do anything with this country, and it will bear it.
That’s why I say education, education, education: these political leaders of Pakistan have made our literacy rate zero. They want this nation to be uneducated. At least educate them about basic civic sense.
You can see the whole country in this incident. Where thirteen nurses tried to fit in a lift that had a maximum capacity of six. The same thing is happening in Pakistan. One of the reasons for the destruction of railways and PIA is this: they try to fit thirteen where only six can be fitted. The steel mill’s destruction reason was also this.
Where there will be violations of law and corruption in projects, these incidents will take place there as well. And this nation will get wounds.