Bushra Bibi, the wife of former prime minister Imran Khan, has challenged a notice issued by the Federal Investigation Authority (FIA) in Lahore High Court (LHC) on baseless accusations. The court has asked for a report from the respondents on the plea by April 12. The FIA has registered a case against her, and the Assistant Advocate General has said that the federal counsel will submit a response to the court. Additionally, the court was informed that there was a case against her in the anti-corruption department as well.
Bushra Bibi’s counsel has argued that the inquiry was initiated on a political basis, and there is no basis for the accusations. They have also urged the court to suspend the notice as the FIA may arrest Imran Khan’s wife. Earlier, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) summoned Bushra Bibi in the Toshakhana case. The summons was handed over on March 21, and the accountability watchdog summoned her and other PTI leaders in the Toshakhana case on March 9, but they did not show up.
The Toshakhana issue became a major sticking point in national politics after the Election Commission of Pakistan disqualified the PTI chief for making “false statements and incorrect declaration” last month. The case pertains to the alleged misuse of government resources, including luxury cars, which were given as gifts to foreign dignitaries. The case is ongoing, and the outcome remains to be seen.
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