The highly-anticipated drama series “Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet” is set to mark the first on-screen collaboration of popular actors Iqra Aziz and Hamza Sohail. The unveiling of the drama’s first look and character introductions has created a buzz among fans and entertainment enthusiasts. Iqra Aziz will portray the role of Freeya, also known as Juliet, bringing her unpredictable and unstoppable persona to the screen.
On the other hand, Hamza Sohail will captivate the audience with his portrayal of Farhaad, the confident daredevil, and the Romeo of the story. The teasers for the drama garnered millions of views across various social media platforms, igniting excitement and anticipation among the audience. The series is directed by the talented Fajr Raza, known for his work in popular plays, and the script is penned by playwright Parisa Siddiqui. The project is backed by the renowned production venture Big Bang Entertainment, led by Fahad Mustafa and Dr. Ali Kazmi.
The much-anticipated drama “Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet” is all set to captivate audiences with the dynamic on-screen pairing of Iqra Aziz and Hamza Sohail. The unveiling of the drama’s first look and character introductions has generated immense excitement and anticipation among fans and entertainment enthusiasts. The series promises to deliver a compelling and engaging storyline, coupled with stellar performances from the talented cast.