Veteran Bollywood actress Mumtaz recently made a delightful visit to Pakistan, where she shared some heartwarming moments with renowned personalities from the entertainment industry. The actress took to her official Instagram handle to post pictures from her visit, capturing her time at a house party alongside Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Fawad Khan, and the legendary singer Ghulam Ali.
In one of the images, Mumtaz is seen at a house party, posing with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Fawad Khan, and Ghulam Ali. The shared pictures showcase the joyous atmosphere of the gathering, with Mumtaz radiating happiness alongside the esteemed artists.
During the event, Mumtaz was captured in a candid moment with actor Fawad Khan, both sharing smiles and enjoying the party. Mumtaz looked elegant in a black sheer shirt paired with maroon trousers, while Fawad exuded charm in a black kurta complemented by a blue shawl.
Another heartwarming snapshot captured Mumtaz posing with the legendary singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, leaning on his shoulders as they posed for the camera. The images reflect the camaraderie and warmth shared among the guests at the gathering, highlighting the bond between Mumtaz and the talented artists she met during her visit to Pakistan.
Mumtaz’s visit to Pakistan and the interactions with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Fawad Khan, and Ghulam Ali have sparked joy among fans and admirers, showcasing the timeless connections and friendships that transcend borders and cultures