Nita Ambani, the wife of centibillionaire Mukesh Ambani, recently shared a touching anecdote about her early career in a resurfaced interview clip. In the interview with Simi Garewal, Nita revealed that she continued working after marrying Mukesh, the richest person in Asia, and started her professional journey as a teacher at Sunflower Nursery shortly after their marriage in 1985.
Despite the laughter she faced due to her modest salary of INR800 per month, Nita expressed how fulfilling her job was and the satisfaction it brought her. The resurfaced clip from “Rendezvous with Simi Garewal” has garnered significant attention on social media platforms, reflecting the public’s interest in Nita’s inspiring journey.
The video’s resurgence coincided with the extravagant pre-wedding celebrations hosted by the Ambanis for their son Anant Ambani and his fiancée Radhika Merchant in Jamnagar, Gujarat. The star-studded event attracted global figures like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Rihanna, and Ivanka Trump, among others.
Despite the opulence of the pre-wedding festivities reportedly costing around INR1,259 crore, Nita’s humble beginnings and dedication to her career serve as a testament to her resilience and work ethic.
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