Sunil Grover, widely known for his iconic character Gutthi in the popular comedy show ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’, has recently opened up about his plans to reunite with his former co-star Kapil Sharma. In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Sunil stated that he has no plans to work with Kapil again.
The comedian stated that both he and Kapil are busy with their respective work commitments and enjoying their current work setups. Sunil also added that he has already enjoyed his phase of non-fiction and is currently liking the fiction setup, gaining new experiences as a performer. He further added that he is having fun and there are no such plans of reuniting with Kapil Sharma in the near future.
The fight between the two comedians took place five years ago, resulting in Sunil quitting the show and moving forward with other work commitments. Kapil Sharma has since shown interest in having Sunil back on his show, ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’.
Sunil Grover is a well-known comedian and actor who has won several hearts with his comic timing and versatility. He has worked in various shows, including ‘The Great Indian Laughter Challenge’, ‘Comedy Circus’, and ‘Mad in India’. He has also acted in several movies like ‘Gabbar is Back’, ‘Bharat’, and ‘Pataakha’. Sunil was last seen in the Zee 5 web series ‘United Kacche’.
Sunil’s decision to not work with Kapil may disappoint their fans who were hoping to see them reunite on-screen. However, it is important to respect the individual choices of these comedians who are currently doing well in their respective fields.
Sunil Grover’s statement shows that he is currently satisfied with his work set up and has no plans of reuniting with Kapil Sharma anytime soon. Fans can continue to enjoy their individual work and appreciate their unique talents.
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